The Wildcats are committed to providing a fair and equal opportunity to earn a spot on a team to all interested players who register and show up for tryouts. To that end, the following guidelines are observed:

  • Each age group will have at least 2 open tryouts.
  • Players who require additional evaluation may be invited back for a third session.
  • To be considered for a team, players must attend a minimum of one session.
  • Players are evaluated by the club trainers based on their skills, knowledge, attitude and physical conditioning.
  • The trainers will work with the coaches to select a competitive and well-balanced team in each age group
  • Initial offers will be made to players within 2 days of the completion of the tryout period. In some cases, it could be as long as a week before you hear anything.
  • Players are requested to wear team-neutral attire. Returning Wildcat players should not wear their normal training shirts. Players interested in joining from other clubs are also requested not to wear their clubs attire.