Posted by Hamilton Wildcats FC on August 17, 2018
- Visit our website:
- Click on the “Register Now” button
- If you already have an account, log in. If you need to create a new account, follow the “Create Account” process and then proceed.
- Fill out the Parent/Guardian information & click the continue button.
- Select which child you want to register. If no children are listed, select “someone else” to create a new child profile and click the continue button.
- Select the program that you wish to register for. Note tryouts are done by birth year, but the Wildcats do allow players to “play up”. You will need to register separately for each category that you want to try out for.
- Fill out the player information and click the continue button.
- Upload a photo (headshot only) and a copy of your child’s birth certificate and click continue.
- Review and accept the waivers and disclosures
- Repeat steps 5-9 for any additional children or programs that you wish to register for or click “Continue Registration”
- Click “Continue to Payment Method” – note there are no fees for tryouts.
- Click “Confirm Registration” to complete your registration